Friday 14 June 2013


 GEN 2:18-20
I watched this video based on the Biblical readings above, Gen2:18-20 by Tera Carissa Hodges. The reading is about how God noticed that Adam needed a partner and told Adam "Hey I think you need a partner." Not His exact words but lets go with it. In verse 19 However, God proceeded to give Adam the animals so that He may name them, PRETTY AWKWARD right? You would think God would send Him a wife like two seconds later I mean that is God, He obviously says something and it comes to pass right? Right!
In this case though God puts Adam through assignment number one and NOT a wife. How Tera Carissa explains that is God needed to do that in order for Adam to be able to differentiate the animals with his wife. Makes sense since he wouldnt know what she would look like, was she a bird, a flower, a cat? WHAT was she was the greatest question and not WHO was she?
I find it simply cut throat that you are able to identify WHO it is and not really struggle with WHAT it is but as I thought about it we really do struggle with WHAT we are dealing with. A question in maturity comes to play (as the video title points out) how mature am I? How mature are we really that we can quickly identify WHAT we truly deserve?
I believe God has said He wants to bless us, wants to give us something good but then He takes us through situations where we have to name a bad situation for what it really is. He does this not that we may:
1. Settle
2. Give up
3. Think He did not hear
He does this so we can really call out something for what it really is and not confuse or try microwave it to be what it is not.
You want a great relationship but the guy you go out with isnt really great so you settle because you really do not know WHAT a great guy looks like or WHAT he does. What does a good man really look like, do or say anyway? Same goes for our friends... Unless you really recognise WHAT a bad friend is you will not really know WHAT a good friend does.
Watching the video made me realise the importance of being able to call out a bad thing for what it is. You can not recognise good if you do not recognise the bad first and see what you need to avoid. Instead we choose to settle for 'the animal' as the partner/ friend/ job/ life God intended for us.
A lesson for me is look for the WHAT this person really is and not the HOW he may look like. Part of maturity does involve correctly identifying and being able to distinguish between one thing and another.
REF: Are You Mature Enough To Identify Your Spouse