Wednesday 18 April 2012


Its been such a long time since I last blogged my goodness what? 5 - 6 years or something lol. I don't even have a good excuse for it really just that I can be so occupied with so many other things other than what I am intended to do. The past few months have been crazy for me but the worst was the past few days. I lost a  dear friend and it took me back to 2011 when another close and dear friend, Eve, died. I wouldn't wish that pain on anyone. The need to pick up your phone and call them or to hear someone shout, "APRIL FOOLS" or "JUST KIDDING". It's really sad especially someone so young and someone who could just have easily been you.
Mwangi ndirangu was such a sweet and kind person and the mere thought of never seeing him again is so painful. I cant even begin to think of what his family is going through, his close friends and even his girlfriend. what I do know about him is that he thrived on joy and laughter, which is such a rare thing to find. I remember the countless times he would stop me to tell me some stupid stories about how his dad is trying to save on electricity costs. How he resulted to either switching off the main power, removing the light bulbs or even locking them outside till he comes back to let them waste his money  lol. I will live with such memories of him as I hope everyone who knew him will.
the only thing I can say is the pain may not go away but it stops being so intense and all that is left are happy memories and the brilliant times that you shared. I still haven't gotten over my friend's , Eve, death but all I can say is the pleasure of knowing her, being her friend and being loved by her has surpassed the fact that she died and what if I had not known her at all( how tragic would that be). I always wake up with the silent satisfied sigh that I knew an amazing human being not too long ago and God gave me the pleasure of being her friend.
so this is to Mwas' friends may the beautiful memories that you have of him overcome the pain that you feel of his passing. May the fond memories we have of him live forever till we meet again my friend. I know Eve will take good care of him:) xoxo


  1. I knew him , not so well like you may have, but I know he was a good guy :) may he find eternal peace .

    1. true that miss diva, he was a good guy. may he find peace:)

  2. Girl you write? Impressive. I shared COM 422 with him and he cracked us up with his life story. Really sad, May he rest in eternal peace.

    1. lol yes I do write thank you for reading this:) much appreciated. yes I also did that class and I nearly passed out laughing when he gave that

  3. From way back when, only letters through upper and statoe interact club.Now we are left with memories we made. rest in peace swits.
    miss maksi

  4. Hey momo, Its sad that Mwas died :( what exactly happened??? azn was he sick, accident?? nini?? getting the story half half

    1. yes it is really sad. stories will always be told and sensitivity to his family is what is important. I choose not to speak about it coz i also have different versions and whatever the cause of death was it really isn't important to me. just find peace in the little you know.that's all i can say.

  5. Wonderful piece. As a writer and friend of Mwas I am moved and glad for this piece because of it's truth and affirms that anyone worth writing about really needed to be in our lives. Thank you and may God continue to comfort you.
