Friday 28 October 2011


I cut my hair last week not the extreme make my mother die type of hair cut but the cute, little bit of hair, kind of cut. Well I love it and it’s easy to maintain. I started thinking the minute I was holding the scissors with one hand and holding a chunk of my hair in the other, what if I don’t look good? What if I had cut too much on one side and I was busy looking like a cheap Rihanna wannabe? What if the scissors I used had rust and I had just given my hair some sick rust disease that would have my head (and hair) maimed for the rest of its life? Or what if am told I need to cut off all my hair and be bald (GOD FORBID) because I got the rust on my scalp?
Ok fears aside whatever the case I figured my pals would tell me first thing if I look terrible or not. Anyway with or without their words of encouragement I think I look awesome and I don’t give two pennies about what other people think. However what if I didn’t? What if I do look like a cheap ass version of Rihanna and Keri Hilson all rolled into one? Would my friends, my boyfriend, be honest with me and tell me “hey you look TERRIBLE.” Would I tell a friend if she did? Is it ethical to be the voice of reason for that mirror that may have lost its touch? Maybe it isn’t! maybe its just not right to tell your friend who happened to cut a HUGE chunk of her hair on a new hairstyle or spent a HUGE amount of cash on new clothes that she looks absolutely positively without a doubt HIDEOUS!!! It would hurt their feelings it would be mean and may come off as being a bit on the jealous side! Right?
Since we don’t want to come off as mean, rude, unsupportive and jealous lets just ignore that hideous hairstyle and that atrocious top that she happened to see “Kim Kardashian” wearing lets face it we love each other not because of what we wear but who we are.
Case in point( exhibit A) so the other day( I remember when it was but just so I can protect my sources)I was in class with a girl with the most horrible weave I mean there is no way you walk into a salon and point at that thing and say THAT’S THE ONE! The only way you end up with that thing on your head is if the hairstylist knocked you unconscious put it on your head before shipping you back to your home and you woke up two days later with that thing sewed on to your scalp and since you woke up a few minutes before class you had to rush to school and I happened to sit right behind you where I stared at you the entire 3hours wondering what the freaking hell happened and I unmistakably blogged about it. What surprised me is the minute she walked in to class her friends went like wow you look so nice how amazing! I think circumstances would have been a whole lot better if a friend had been honest with her and said “that does not make your face look so great and that color doesn’t work with your skin tone and the weaves texture is just wrong.” Just keep off the: you look nice comments. Maybe she is nice but that hairstyle sure was not.
Summing this up maybe the fear of being mean and seeming jealous isn’t so important, the important thing is shielding your friend from looking like a complete clown (and being the exhibit A in some ones blog) I guess if it comes from a place of love and wanting your girl to look fabulous as she usually is, its ok. (And tell her at the end of the day when she is relaxed and not out and about that will make her uncomfy all day!)
New chapter is: a whole lot less bad hairstyles and clothes because more girlfriends are loving and honest with one other, deal?
So for real, like I don’t know already, how do I look? 

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