Thursday 25 April 2013


A few weeks ago I wrote a few networking tips that I found quite helpful in getting yourself out there and meeting people socially or if it is only for business purposes. So I will be posting the principles and their explanations for you to read and try to incorporate them in small(informal) conversations you may have with someone then on to the much bigger (formal) conversations.
For those who didn't get to read the previous post here is the link and for those who already did, hope you learn something useful :)


1. describe yourself - elevator speech

This is commonly called an 'elevator speech' or 'elevator pitch' - as if you were to meet a potentially important contact for the first time in an elevator at a conference and he/she asks you: "What do you do?" You have no more than 20 seconds - perhaps just 10-15 seconds - between floors to explain, and to make such an impressive impact that the person asks for your contact details.
If you talk (or write) too much, the listener (or reader) will become bored, or think you are rude or too self-centred.

Be concise. You will demonstrate consideration and expertise by conveying your most relevant points in as short a time as possible.
Here are the main points for creating your elevator speech:

1. your name "My name is..." Look the other person in the eye. Smile. Shoulders back. Speak with confidence. Sincerity and passion are crucial in making a strong early impression.
2. your business name "I work for..." or "My business is ..." Loud clear proud again. Do not ask "Have you heard of us..?" or wait for recognition.
3. based and covering where "I am based..." and "I cover..." Adapt the town, city, geography for the situation. There is little value in mentioning a tiny village if you are at a global gathering, or your global coverage if you are at a local town gathering. Make this relevant to the situation.
4. your personal specialism and/or offering, and your aims Be different and special and better in some way from your competitors. Be meaningful for the event or situation or group, and as far as you can guess, be meaningful for the contact. Express what you offer in terms of positive outcomes for those you help or supply, rather than focusing on technical details from your own viewpoint. Load your statements here with special benefits or qualities. Be positive, proud and ambitious in your thinking and expression of what you do. Include in this statement what your aims are, to show you have ambition and that you know what you are seeking from network contacts.

Aim to complete your explanation in less than 20 seconds.
Less is more: lots of powerful points in very few words make a much bigger impact than a lengthy statement. It is a sign of a good mind if you can convey a lot of relevant impressive information in a very short time.
Conversely, a long rambling statement shows a lack of preparation, professionalism and experience.

While you are speaking look the other person in the eyes, and be aware of his/her body language to gauge for interest and reaction to you personally, and to help your assessment of the other person's character and mood.
After your 'elevator speech' end in a firm, positive, constructive way.

Ending with a question enables more to happen than letting the discussion tail off nowhere or into polite small-talk.
After giving your elevator speech avoid the temptation to force your business card onto the other person (unless this is the tone and expectation of the event), and certainly do not launch a full-blooded sales pitch.
Instead try to develop the discussion around what the other person wants to do, achieve, change, grow, etc.

2. Be different and ambitious

Look again at how you describe your business offering (or yourself as a person) - what's different or special about it (or you) compared with all the others?
If there is no difference, you must find a way to create one.

Sometimes this is merely a matter of redefining or placing different emphasis on what you already are and already do. This difference must be something that plenty of people will find appealing; ideally irresistible. If you are struggling to find a difference or market advantage, look at your competitors and talk to your customers, and discover what's missing and what can be dramatically improved out there. There is always at least one thing, usually more - perhaps you can bundle two or three powerful market advantages together. This difference needs to shine out in your elevator speech, and be echoed in your subsequent discussions whenever initial interest develops towards supplying something, or putting a collaborative project together.

Aim high and big when thinking about and expressing yourself and your aims. Be realistic of course, but aim to be the best and to lead in some way, in whatever specialisms and market-place you operate.

Wednesday 24 April 2013


I think I should do a little section on what I am reading at least once every two weeks. I have always loved reading and it's something my mum ingrained in me, purposely or not I really don't know. I remember always rushing to the bookstore section at the supermarket and beg my mum to buy me just one more and she would be so pissed because she bought me one just two days before. She always pointed out that she bought a VERY large book for a reason, so I take up to two months finishing but I would take two days.
Well my love for them has never faded, it's just the beauty of being in another world. I will spare you the why I love books speech and just get on with it.
I am reading "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers. Lately I have had this growing love for christian fiction. I read one of her books years ago and funny thing is it is still ingrained in my mind till today! Well I dashed into a bookstore and I trusted the attendant when she told me I would like this one. I put my trust issues aside and I haven't put down the book since.
It is based on the book of Hosea from the Bible. If some of you are familiar with it, the book is an account of Hosea's marriage to Gomer (a prostitute) his love for her and Gomer's love for her trade- I believe the story goes much deeper, saving the Bible class for later ;) Back to the book. Angel is sold into the world of prostitution at a young age and eventually meets Michael HOSEA (situational irony) and through him she gets to experience a different type of love and commitment.
The story itself is so beautiful as I was relating it to the Bible context each time I read it. Many scholars refer to Gomer as a representation of Israel and Hosea as God and how God loves us despite our non- committal ways and our tainted views of intimacy and love. It's a "back to real love" type of story. I really like it and hopefully if you read it, you can share your thoughts with me, I would love to hear them.
So what are you guys reading? Do share :)

Monday 22 April 2013


Still shaken up by what a 5yr old girl was telling us at the salon yesterday. After one of the ladies noticed something strange with how she walked and asked her what was wrong, she revealed that her father has been sexually assaulting her. I am trying to wrap my head around a man who ought to protect his child yet he is doing something so disgusting and unthinkable to her! That to me is the closest thing to murder because he has:
1. Killed her innocence.
2. Shattered her views about sex
3. Most likely damaged her future relationships with the opposite sex.
4. Killed her sense of security and safety
5. If her mother is in some twisted way involved, this will also affect her relationship with other women
The list can go on and on.
There is so much I can say about that vile example of a man and another thing about that innocent babys mother(I dont know circumstances leading to why she is living with her dad, didn't the wife notice his paedophile tendencies? Maybe, maybe not- I dont know) but it brought me back to the statistics last year about 33-34% of women said they would stay with a man even though he was defiling her kids as long as he was providing for her. That is the most proposterous thing I have ever heard! I don't want to say that this was the same case in this childs incident but if it was, we really need to sit back and re-evaluate why we get into relationships, get married and have kids. Is it to keep the man(or woman) with you? Fear of being alone? Not being able to fight for and protect your kids is a clear indication of an individual who probably doesn't really value his/her kids or is lost in some weird place where their safety means so much less than being someones partner.
Back to the salon: We had to take the baby away from that man (girl power) and to the nearest hospital and the police involved. To all parents out there just be very mindful of your kids, its not bad to be the over-protective, in your face, minding my kids business type of parent. I can't believe I am advocating for this but I have no doubt in my mind that it's way better than trusting the world will look out for your children. It doesn't hurt to be safe rather than sorry. To those of us who are around kids, pay close attention to them, open yours eyes and ears and take it upon yourself to make sure they are fine. I know we can't mobilize ourselves and sleep in every 5year olds home just to be sure but educating kids on what to do, if and when someone touches them inappropriately is a good start. They should never be afraid to speak out and trust someone and we should never be afraid to protect and fight for others.