Monday 22 April 2013


Still shaken up by what a 5yr old girl was telling us at the salon yesterday. After one of the ladies noticed something strange with how she walked and asked her what was wrong, she revealed that her father has been sexually assaulting her. I am trying to wrap my head around a man who ought to protect his child yet he is doing something so disgusting and unthinkable to her! That to me is the closest thing to murder because he has:
1. Killed her innocence.
2. Shattered her views about sex
3. Most likely damaged her future relationships with the opposite sex.
4. Killed her sense of security and safety
5. If her mother is in some twisted way involved, this will also affect her relationship with other women
The list can go on and on.
There is so much I can say about that vile example of a man and another thing about that innocent babys mother(I dont know circumstances leading to why she is living with her dad, didn't the wife notice his paedophile tendencies? Maybe, maybe not- I dont know) but it brought me back to the statistics last year about 33-34% of women said they would stay with a man even though he was defiling her kids as long as he was providing for her. That is the most proposterous thing I have ever heard! I don't want to say that this was the same case in this childs incident but if it was, we really need to sit back and re-evaluate why we get into relationships, get married and have kids. Is it to keep the man(or woman) with you? Fear of being alone? Not being able to fight for and protect your kids is a clear indication of an individual who probably doesn't really value his/her kids or is lost in some weird place where their safety means so much less than being someones partner.
Back to the salon: We had to take the baby away from that man (girl power) and to the nearest hospital and the police involved. To all parents out there just be very mindful of your kids, its not bad to be the over-protective, in your face, minding my kids business type of parent. I can't believe I am advocating for this but I have no doubt in my mind that it's way better than trusting the world will look out for your children. It doesn't hurt to be safe rather than sorry. To those of us who are around kids, pay close attention to them, open yours eyes and ears and take it upon yourself to make sure they are fine. I know we can't mobilize ourselves and sleep in every 5year olds home just to be sure but educating kids on what to do, if and when someone touches them inappropriately is a good start. They should never be afraid to speak out and trust someone and we should never be afraid to protect and fight for others.


  1. It is such a shame that the number of women who would stay risking their children's life, an for what? Provision. Sad actually.

    1. It's now even beyond sad Ess, my heart just goes out to such kids.
