Wednesday 24 April 2013


I think I should do a little section on what I am reading at least once every two weeks. I have always loved reading and it's something my mum ingrained in me, purposely or not I really don't know. I remember always rushing to the bookstore section at the supermarket and beg my mum to buy me just one more and she would be so pissed because she bought me one just two days before. She always pointed out that she bought a VERY large book for a reason, so I take up to two months finishing but I would take two days.
Well my love for them has never faded, it's just the beauty of being in another world. I will spare you the why I love books speech and just get on with it.
I am reading "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers. Lately I have had this growing love for christian fiction. I read one of her books years ago and funny thing is it is still ingrained in my mind till today! Well I dashed into a bookstore and I trusted the attendant when she told me I would like this one. I put my trust issues aside and I haven't put down the book since.
It is based on the book of Hosea from the Bible. If some of you are familiar with it, the book is an account of Hosea's marriage to Gomer (a prostitute) his love for her and Gomer's love for her trade- I believe the story goes much deeper, saving the Bible class for later ;) Back to the book. Angel is sold into the world of prostitution at a young age and eventually meets Michael HOSEA (situational irony) and through him she gets to experience a different type of love and commitment.
The story itself is so beautiful as I was relating it to the Bible context each time I read it. Many scholars refer to Gomer as a representation of Israel and Hosea as God and how God loves us despite our non- committal ways and our tainted views of intimacy and love. It's a "back to real love" type of story. I really like it and hopefully if you read it, you can share your thoughts with me, I would love to hear them.
So what are you guys reading? Do share :)


  1. She made me fall in love with christian literature. Many of the came out as being soooo religious, but I read this, I fell in love. Its an amaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing story, and for some reason I could identify with many experiences in the book. and more so very romantic, it shows a different side of the men, and more so a man that hears from God. It is indeed very redeeming to read this. And the synonym of God's ;ove to this book is even better.

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