Wednesday 27 March 2013


A statement I always here being used is, 'It's never that serious' which is true once you really get to look at your past problems, they were really not that serious! However, people are using this statement on things that they ought to be taking serious e.g your family, your career, your relationships etc. They ARE serious, not serious to the point they are killing you but serious to the point that you should conduct yourself accordingly.
This week I wanted to get the word out that I needed creative assistance. My requirements were simple, send me links to your work e.g a portfolio and an estimation of your charges because I understand creative work varies with a clients needs. I didn't specify much because thats what I wanted at that time. The responses were great, I was so confused about what to pick because I needed a minimum of five to present to my boss, so here I am with HUNDREDS of talented creatives with amazing portfolios, someone say DREAM! However, the real problem comes here, PEOPLE DO NOT TAKE THEIR WORK SERIOUSLY!
I had people responding to me in such an unproffessional manner it was crazy. It had me reflecting on the number of times I probably missed out on an opportunity because I wasn't knowledgeable enough to be courteous or proffessional and in turn I wasn't taken seriously. I am a light hearted person by nature, I love joking around, seeing the humour in most things but when it comes to my work, girl doesn't play. If I didn't have someone guiding me and telling me, you must learn how to be serious, not dead- boring serious but organized, interesting and articulate serious, then I wouldn't even have the opportunities I have now.
Thing is if you don't take your work seriously, no one will. If you don't take yourself seriously, no one will, it's that simple. And many times I have failed because I didn't see the importance of taking an opportunity seriously
1. Take the time to put your work in one place being organized says alot about you.
2. Be honest. Send in your work and not someone elses. Atleast don't lie about something so huge that it will cost you.
3. Learn how to respond as requested. The devil may be in the detail but relax and keep your responses simple and to the point.
4. Be proffessional, if you don't know how, just avoid being rude and seeming like you aren't taking your own work seriously.
Apart from the fact that I just wrote a post that sounds so much like my I think it is helpful and hopefully someone applies some of it and it ends up opening doors to something meaningful and worthwhile.

Thursday 21 March 2013


The advert that has caused so much chaos on social media, with everyone going up in arms about how terrible or relevant it is.
The first time I watched it I was a bit taken back because last time it was Jimmi Gathu jumping out of closets in the middle of the night saying "achana na mpango wa kando" which basically meant stop your extra marital affairs. Well based on where we are now, That didn't work! So we are on "weka condom mpangoni" (if you are going to be unfaithful, use a condom) Well it is a good message. First, I couldnt shake the fact that someone who looks like my mother can be in an extra marital affair. Yes it happens but dammit, its disturbing. It is an ad that speaks to modern reality, that HIV is spreading mostly with the married couples and that most people will not leave their 'mpango wa kando'. I do believe those are the results of something gone wrong in society but isn't the main issue here immorality? Aren't we supposed to deal with the root of a problem and not the results of it?
I really can't say if its right or wrong, I am not married, I am just a 23yr old girl who has dreams of being married one day. Dreams of being married to a faithful man who has hopefuly been raised by parents who have drilled the importance of being faithful in his relationships. What Jimmi Gathu spoke to me was,"Mo, faithfulness is important, integrity is key to helping you grow and your own personal success as well as your relationships." This new ad says to me, "Mo, you are being a fool to expect faithfulness-grow up. Be realistic."
The last thing I want to do is hate on that ad but I speak from the perspective of a young girl who has been raised right and expects to be next to, not a perfect man, a man who believes in what is right as well. I feel so bad for the young people who are against it but can't open their mouths because it's downright unthinkable to be faithful and to value integrity. All I know is I do not support it because it sends a chill up my spine. I do however, make a choice to demand more from a man than him putting our marriage certificate in his left side coat pocket but he has a condom in his right side back pocket for his mistress. I didn't grow up in a home where I saw my parent sneaking around in the middle of the night or day so I believe God expects me to raise my kids in an equally stable environment.
Someone once told me my views on faithfulness are from a fairytale and are a result of me watching too many romantic movies.  I accept that but I rather live in a fairytale world than crossover to a sad reality where my own partner does not have my own back. May I and all the other people like me live happily ever after.

Friday 15 March 2013


On the final stages of getting my first 'girl friends connect' forum off the ground. What it is about is just getting friends and their friends (and the cycle continues) together in a fun environment and get to have one on one discussions about:
1. Finance-how to spend, invest and what not to spend your money on.
2. Fashion- make-up, nails, hair, whats hot,where to get what, where, when, why
3. Insurance- what you need to know, what do you need to be insured for and by who. Hmmm
4. Entrepreneurship- get over the fear of failure, how to write a business plan, who is doing what,
5. Education- is that M.B.A necessary, what is the best place to do this or study that,
6. Relationships-yikes!!!!lol I wont get into that but basically famiky, friends, your partner
7. Religion
Though to me it is just a way to have friends and friends of friends come together and have fun while learning some pretty relevant things about anything and everything under the sun. One of my friends brought to my attention the fact that its not just what my little mind can but it can be a networking tool for most. I see it as a social networking endeavour while she saw it as a business networking idea. Anyway, whatever it is, I hope its a fun and informative way to keep in touch with one another, learn something new and grow- whivh is quite necesarry might I add.
Found this today on my daily internet excursions basically about networking 101 and thought I should share hope it will be of help ;)
"These tips apply broadly to any sort of business networking - face-to-face, organized events, business social networking websites, etc:
ten essential principles
1. Elevator speech.Describe yourself concisely and impressively.
2. Be different.Differentiate yourself. Aim high. Be best at something.
3. Help others.Help others and you will be helped.
4. Personal integrity.Integrity, trust and reputation are vital for networking.
5. Relevant targeting.Groups and contacts relevant to your aims and capabilities.
6. Plans and aims.Plan your networking - and know what you want.
7. Follow up.Following up meetings and referrals makes things happen.
8. Be positive.Be a positive influence on everyone and everything.
9. Sustained focused effort.Be focused - and ever-ready.
10. Life balance.Being balanced and grounded builds assurance."
Do have an awesome weekend loves :)

Monday 11 March 2013


Came across this letter with such beautifully written words by Phylicia Rashad who most of us know from the Cosby show, I couldn't help but sit down and reflect on them.
"Dear Phylicia,
Romantic involvement distracts you and can blind you to what's really
in front of you. And what really is in front of you? You are. You don't
even know yourself yet. You think you know and you want to assert
that you do, now that you're a certain age, but you don't. What's
in front of you is a whole world of experiences beyond your imagination. Put yourself, and your growth and development, first.
There are long-term repercussions to what you're doing now. Everything you do, every thought you have, every word you say
creates a memory that you will hold in your body. It's imprinted on you and affects you in subtle ways—ways you are not always aware of. With that in mind, be very conscious and selective.
With high hopes for you,
The words hit hard, hit home actually. Many times I have been dubbed selfish especially with my heart. I am painfully selective of who I give it to. I always had this inner awareness from a long time ago that my heart is responsible for my well being and if I go around giving it to everyone I may end up broken and bitter. I have grown up trusting this belief, though I also think Phylicia didn't quite only mean giving only of our hearts but our mind, body and time as well.
There is so much I could say about all those but I am on that journey as well, the learning process. I realise I wasted so much time trying to love and get that love in return. Only now that my life is on the right track in terms of my career and building myself do I see the importance of putting yourself on a pedestal and having that child-like'mine mine mine' protection of your heart, mind, body and future.
My mum always says focus on what's infront of you now and the rest will follow.

Sunday 10 March 2013

Holiday Is Over

As much as I may be running away fripom blogging, it always seems to find me. Its like that one thing I can't run away from. So anyway here I am... Again! After nearly a whole year though maybe I do honestly feel I have a lot to share and give... So let me give it one more try before you all give me the 'loser blogger'