Friday 15 March 2013


On the final stages of getting my first 'girl friends connect' forum off the ground. What it is about is just getting friends and their friends (and the cycle continues) together in a fun environment and get to have one on one discussions about:
1. Finance-how to spend, invest and what not to spend your money on.
2. Fashion- make-up, nails, hair, whats hot,where to get what, where, when, why
3. Insurance- what you need to know, what do you need to be insured for and by who. Hmmm
4. Entrepreneurship- get over the fear of failure, how to write a business plan, who is doing what,
5. Education- is that M.B.A necessary, what is the best place to do this or study that,
6. Relationships-yikes!!!!lol I wont get into that but basically famiky, friends, your partner
7. Religion
Though to me it is just a way to have friends and friends of friends come together and have fun while learning some pretty relevant things about anything and everything under the sun. One of my friends brought to my attention the fact that its not just what my little mind can but it can be a networking tool for most. I see it as a social networking endeavour while she saw it as a business networking idea. Anyway, whatever it is, I hope its a fun and informative way to keep in touch with one another, learn something new and grow- whivh is quite necesarry might I add.
Found this today on my daily internet excursions basically about networking 101 and thought I should share hope it will be of help ;)
"These tips apply broadly to any sort of business networking - face-to-face, organized events, business social networking websites, etc:
ten essential principles
1. Elevator speech.Describe yourself concisely and impressively.
2. Be different.Differentiate yourself. Aim high. Be best at something.
3. Help others.Help others and you will be helped.
4. Personal integrity.Integrity, trust and reputation are vital for networking.
5. Relevant targeting.Groups and contacts relevant to your aims and capabilities.
6. Plans and aims.Plan your networking - and know what you want.
7. Follow up.Following up meetings and referrals makes things happen.
8. Be positive.Be a positive influence on everyone and everything.
9. Sustained focused effort.Be focused - and ever-ready.
10. Life balance.Being balanced and grounded builds assurance."
Do have an awesome weekend loves :)

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