Thursday 21 March 2013


The advert that has caused so much chaos on social media, with everyone going up in arms about how terrible or relevant it is.
The first time I watched it I was a bit taken back because last time it was Jimmi Gathu jumping out of closets in the middle of the night saying "achana na mpango wa kando" which basically meant stop your extra marital affairs. Well based on where we are now, That didn't work! So we are on "weka condom mpangoni" (if you are going to be unfaithful, use a condom) Well it is a good message. First, I couldnt shake the fact that someone who looks like my mother can be in an extra marital affair. Yes it happens but dammit, its disturbing. It is an ad that speaks to modern reality, that HIV is spreading mostly with the married couples and that most people will not leave their 'mpango wa kando'. I do believe those are the results of something gone wrong in society but isn't the main issue here immorality? Aren't we supposed to deal with the root of a problem and not the results of it?
I really can't say if its right or wrong, I am not married, I am just a 23yr old girl who has dreams of being married one day. Dreams of being married to a faithful man who has hopefuly been raised by parents who have drilled the importance of being faithful in his relationships. What Jimmi Gathu spoke to me was,"Mo, faithfulness is important, integrity is key to helping you grow and your own personal success as well as your relationships." This new ad says to me, "Mo, you are being a fool to expect faithfulness-grow up. Be realistic."
The last thing I want to do is hate on that ad but I speak from the perspective of a young girl who has been raised right and expects to be next to, not a perfect man, a man who believes in what is right as well. I feel so bad for the young people who are against it but can't open their mouths because it's downright unthinkable to be faithful and to value integrity. All I know is I do not support it because it sends a chill up my spine. I do however, make a choice to demand more from a man than him putting our marriage certificate in his left side coat pocket but he has a condom in his right side back pocket for his mistress. I didn't grow up in a home where I saw my parent sneaking around in the middle of the night or day so I believe God expects me to raise my kids in an equally stable environment.
Someone once told me my views on faithfulness are from a fairytale and are a result of me watching too many romantic movies.  I accept that but I rather live in a fairytale world than crossover to a sad reality where my own partner does not have my own back. May I and all the other people like me live happily ever after.


  1. just because the world doesn't believe in faithfulness doesn't mean i should follow them.

    1. That is so true, just follow your own path, if it's wrong well... Whatever. Atleast you focused on what is being honest. :)
