Tuesday 4 October 2011


Put that pizza down! Before you throw a plate at me or something, well not exactly pizza pizza just anything that you feel is getting in your way but you love oh so very much. Like that yummy piece of pizza that is going straight to your hips, or that killer attitude that is pushing people away from you and attracting all the wrong ones, maybe it’s a friend or a mindset… basically the problem with pizza especially lots of it is that it tastes so good and yet we cant help but focus on how horrible it makes us feel right after. I spent time with an amazing person over lunch and it turned into a discussion about how I don’t gain weight and how I eat anything I want… its true I can eat a horse and still wont gain fat around the area I believe I was short changed MY ASS! Just two inches will not hurt just one, two! The discussion got a bit sad after she started moaning about how fat she is and how she just wishes she was a size ten or an eight. I kept looking at her thinking she how to me she looks so gorgeous. However the thing that was surprising me is how she was FEASTING on that pizza (I mean literal pizza). Its one thing to complain about how fat you are but I just couldn’t help but stare at how fast that pizza disappeared. Or am the silly one cause maybe complaining about your weight while you stuff yourself=zero calories. How pizza is this delicious thing that we love and at the same time we can mutter such complaints all in the same breathe. It’s got me thinking about the need to take matters into your own hands and doing something about it. For so long my “pizza peeve” has been my attitude towards so many things, towards people towards myself. Seeing myself as a person who isn’t good enough, before this turns into an oprah moment the fact am bringing out is that the minute I dropped that attitude and took matters into my own hands life is literally a bit sunnier now.
One person I am so proud of this week and is a good example of putting down the pizza is sally njiriri she is up in arms doing whatever she can to be healthy her blog is simply beautiful and her passion is just outright CONTAGIOUS! I love it! I love the fact that she is doing what most people our age are afraid to do, open up and say I AM NOT HAPPY WITH THE WAY I LOOK and she is doing something about it! Can someone say LOVE! Maybe she doesn’t notice the impact I believe it will have on so many other people in some way, unless you are a rock, sally will get people to see that” hey I can actually do something with my life, my body, my attitude, my mind…” I think once you open your heart to change and stepping out of that comfort zone where you can only complain about it then you learn there is no DEATH in running after what you want. There is no starvation in letting a little pizza go.
Sally has also opened the doors of stepping out in my life as well, for so long I have always wanted to start a positive blog where I can just keep it real and say hey you know what life is effing beautiful so live it right (At least am hoping that’s what people get from it). So maybe this week instead of stuffing yourself with that pizza and  DOING NOTHING but complain about what it is doing to you maybe you should sally up (my new term)and just go on that pizza cleanse for a while.

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